The Enterprise Guide to Scaling VR Training

VR training has become a fundamental part of the learning ecosystem for modern enterprises.

But implementing VR training at scale is a massive undertaking. You need to demonstrate ROI, get buy-in from stakeholders, and integrate into existing processes. Systematic changes like this are difficult in large enterprises and you will face roadblocks.

This guide will teach you how to overcome the c challenges that come with implementing VR training at scale so you can accelerate employee learning outcomes.

Made in Partnership With

Dave Myers
Director of Enterprise Technical Services, HTC VIVE


Here's what you'll learn

How to create a sustainable VR training content pipeline.

How to get buy-in from stakeholders.

How to leverage analytics and show demonstrable improvements from VR training to the bottom line.

How to integrate VR training into your existing Learning Management System (LMS).

Best practices for introducing new technologies into the organization.

How to find the right partners to work with on your implementation.

“Technology was a lifeline during the pandemic, enabling new ways of working and creating new experiences. As we pivoted to remote working, businesses needed to rely on immersive VR technologies that can successfully train people from anywhere.

"The Enterprise Guide to Scaling VR Training" outlines a strategic approach to implement VR learning experiences and reimagine how we provide the best experiences to people through virtual reality.”

Daniel Guenther 
Managing Director, XR Lead, Accenture
Kyle Jackson
Co-Founder & CEO, TALESPIN

"VR is becoming a cornerstone technology for enterprises to help employees better prepare for a rapidly changing workplace dynamic, improve their interpersonal skills and ultimately become better colleagues, and communicators.

As more companies turn to XR solutions, resources like "The Enterprise Guide to Scaling VR Training"  are imperative for leaders to better understand the benefits of VR and how to get started in adopting the technology.”

"VR hardware devices are becoming more powerful and more accessible at the same time. These new developments in VR have not gone unnoticed by modern enterprises looking for new learning solutions. "The Enterprise Guide to Scaling VR training" strikes me as a critical component to the mass adoption of VR training."

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